Extreme Snuff Porn (Rape,Snuff Fantasy)

Discussion in 'Medley extreme' started by vihasik, Nov 10, 2024.

  1. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Ashley Fires plays a professional thief who finally meets her match. Sitting at a high-end Beverly Hills café, she spots her latest mark, a young man seemingly too pre-occupied to know that his carry bag was being targeted for a theft. When he leaves to go to the bathroom, she decides to strike, quietly sneaking over and snatching his wallet and cell phones before leaving the scene. The man returns in time to notice important items are missing, then the hunt is on.

    As she walks through a quick-escape alleyway laughing and gloating, he catches up to her and grabs her attention. Ashley spins around, shocked she has been discovered. As he approaches, she decides to pull out her gun and points it at him. Feeling confident she will get him to back off she taunts him, insults him then decides she can shoot him and leave him for dead since no one is coming. Just as she decides to squeeze the trigger, he reverses her fortune by quickly snatching the gun away and pointing it back at her.

    Stunned, she decides to use the ultimate weapon to subdue him, her body. She makes a proposition that suggests he can have her right there. As she strip teases for him he lowers his guard and throws her gun behind him but she is premature. She tries to run past him to the gun but he grabs her. She then tries to deliver a round house right to the jaw but misses. Angry that she thought he would be so gullible, he spins her around and forces her bra up around her throat.

    He begins to strangle her and they both fall to the ground, Ashley struggling and fighting on top of him. As he pulls for dear life he can hear her boots desperately scrapping the ground and the wall as she looks for a way out. He strangles her for over 5 minutes before he brings her under control, hoping no one has spotted them. Ashley is suddenly still with exception of some tongue or eye fluttering. He rolls her off of him roughly and catches his breath as he looks at her face to make sure she's dead. He decides to drag her out of view to a nearby private parking garage where he can have some fun.

    He strips away her clothing and enjoys her the way a woman is meant to be enjoyed. He worships her feet and sucks on her toes, he kisses her large breasts until his cock is hard and eats her pussy. Soon he is plunging inside her tight pussy and fucking her on the cold concrete. After minutes he rapes her from behind, her body jerking like a rag doll until he pulls out of her and climaxes all over her backside. She lays her down and pans her body as he catches his breath then dresses. H picks up his phone and resumes his conversation with a friend he's supposed to meet as he walks by Ashley's dead body.

    Contains: Set-Up, Dialogue, Voyeur, Theft, Gun Play, Confrontation, Brief Fight, Death by Bra Strangulation, Strip Tease, Nudity, Alleyway Strangle, Public Strangle, Body Dragging Rough Rolling, Drool Death Stare, Undressing, Fondling, Vaginal Worship, Vaginal Oral Sex, Necrophilia Rape, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Body Posing, Foot Worship, Bare Feet, Foot Views, Breast Views, Vaginal Views, Body Pans, Leggins, Boots

    File Size: 1.95 GB
    Resolution: 768 x 432
    Duration: 00:20:07
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  2. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: This movie starts with 2 women, one a former world class Black Widow assassin, the other a terrorist leader of a group called Red Death. There is a great amount of distrust in the room but they must. Why? The Black Widow Assassin (Grace X) has her entire organization chasing after her to kill her. To remedy this situation, she decided to befriend their worst enemy, providing inside secrets that could allow the red leader access to destroy Black Widow's central building, thus killing hundreds if not thousands of agents, forcing them off Grace V's trail. A wicked plan that would have worked, celebrated by both women who share their flesh in bed with one another, unaware a government agent has penetrated their defenses and is merely awaiting the perfect time to rain Black Widow wrath upon them. Both ladies trigger each other to powerful orgasms, lust, fading love and a strong mist of lust twisting in the air but it's back to business. Grace X walks into the living room and to her bag to retrieve the remaining documents when she feels the press of a gun at the back of her head. If he squeezes the trigger it si all over she thought but fate swings back into Grace X hands when the red cell leader presses a gun of her own into the agent's head. Moments later he is knocked cold after being punched and kicked. The only thing working on his body is his cock which Grace X springs into action, sucking him hard then fucking it, using it as a tool for her own satisfaction as the red cell leader watches, smothering the agent's face. Once Grace X retired to the shower, the red leader takes her turn, enjoying his cock too much and ignoring his groans, his movements, Grace X panties being wrapped around her throat. Red Death leader continues to fuck him, hoping to get off but he won't allow her. How tragic she was so close to coming and now has to fight just to survive and hopefully come. He won't let her go, her pussy is wetter, her body quivers and she dies as she releases a flood of her own juices upon his hard-on. The agent continues to plow her slick hole, pounding her from different positions until he pulls out and blows across her chest. He knows grace X is in the shower; he cannot wait for the finale.

    Contains: Set-Up, Dialogue, Lingerie, Boot Fetish, Bad Girls, Spy Theme, Gun Play, Violence Against Man, Male facial Bruising, Consensual Lesbian Scene, Shower Scene, Masturbation Scene, Terrorist Site Invasion, Surprise, Bad Girl Raping Male, Death by Panty Strangulation, Ligature Mark, Drool, Death Stare, Death Twitching, Body Rolling, Body Pans, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Limp Body, Multi-Position Necrophilia Rape, Fondling, Undressing, Nudity, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Ass Worship, Vaginal Views

    File Size: 2.21 GB
    Resolution: 768 x 432
    Duration: 00:39:48
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Spy Games Black Widow Elimination 8 - Part 1.mp4

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  3. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: This movie starts with the death of the red cell leader at the hands of the government assassin pursuing Grace X. Grace X has just ended a sexy shower where she masturbated and orgasmed. On her way out to check on her newfound alliance partner she stumbles across her dead body. Shocked and speechless, Grace X was ill prepared for what happened next. As she walks around the body, trying to come to grips with what she was seeing, the assassin wraps a pair of panties around her neck and strangles her. Her death is long and torturous, a death deserving of a traitor. The assassin forces her to remain standing, to look upon the death of her partner, to learn a lesson from her decision. She is dead and left to stand before her knees buckle and she crashes to her knees. With a slight touch of the assassin's finger, Grace X crashes face first to the floor next to her partner but not for long. The agent carries her over to a chair where he gives her a good, hard, long fucking in several positions, a spanking for bad behavior. He sends her off with a blast of semen across the belly then brings her back to her friend. He places her on top of her then fucks Grace X mouth a final time, almost as if to remind her to keep her mouth shut. He draws the traditional black widow spider on her forehead to mark his kill them calls his superiors to report not only the death of the famous Grace X, but the additional death of a terrorist leader.

    Contains: Limited Dialogue, Taunting, Nudity, Shower Scene, Masturbation Scene, Surprise, Site Invasion, Death by Panty Strangulation, Standing Strangulation, Death Stare, Drool, Death Twitching, Standing Death, Death Kneel, Death Fall, Double Dead Girls, Body Positioning, Body Handling, Body Posing, Body Pans, Arm Carry, Limp Body, Body Piling, Multi-Position Necrophilia Rape, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Vaginal Worship, Necrophilia Blow Job, Humiliation

    File Size: 1.04 GB
    Resolution: 768 x 432
    Duration: 00:18:24
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Spy Games Black Widow Elimination 8 - Part 2.mp4

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    Spy Games Black Widow Elimination 8 - Part 2.part2.rar
  4. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Because we had to fire our male talent midway through this production, this is our action-only part of Terrorist Destruction 3. The set-up and necrophilia portions will be presented as part of a larger movie later. Contains a fairly long strangulation with lots of resistance and a nice set-up. Description: Darcy plays a terrorist awaiting her leader in Terrorist Destruction 3. Patrolling the halls she surprises one of the agents sent to assassinate her. They trade stares before the secret agent grabs the gun and bangs it against the wall until it falls away from her hands. Darcy makes him pay dearly by launching an intense and brutal volley of elbows and knees that sap the energy from the agent sent to destroy kill, rape and humiliate her. Her attack lasts for more than 2 minutes before the agent is able to grab her foot and throw her off. She tries to regain control by sending a boot to the belly but he blocks the blow and delivers a debilitating punch of his own to her belly, doubling her over. He quickly follows up with a downward elbow that sends her to her knees. Trying to recover, she quickly loses her bra and finds it quickly wraps tightly around her throat.

    Shocked, she tries to regain her footing but he forces her against the wall and drags her down to the floor to finish her. Darcy doesn't go down without a fight. Darcy still tries to deliver elbows and struggles violently to free herself without success. After a long and painful fight, Darcy slows down, her body sweaty for fighting. He pours it on until he exhausts the life from her bones, her eyes wide open in complete shock, a pool of yellow urine seeping from her panties. Too tired to fight, he will call his agency to request the second agent on site to continue with the rape and humiliation as he is too injured to complete his mission. Soon the executive agent and her deputy will enter their safe house so the bodies must be hidden before they arrive.

    Contains: Dialogue, Surprise, Intense Fighting, Nudity, 8+ Minutes Death by Bra Strangulation, Breast Views, Ass Views, Partial Nudity, Urination, Drool, Death Stare, Ligature Marks, Boots

    File Size: 515 MB
    Resolution: 448 x 336
    Duration: 00:14:18
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  5. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3

  6. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3

  7. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3

  8. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3

  9. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: A former school mate unexpectedly came to visit a girl whom he had not seen in years. He had been in love with her for ages, but he never had the guts to reveal it. But this time he was sure to finally possess her - he raped her and when the poor girl, raped and abused, was crying helplessly, he decided to get rid of the victim of his lust

    File Size: 2.62 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:20:35
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Old Friends Visit.mp4

  10. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Once upon a time there lived two lesbians, and one of them had always wanted to try sleepy sex with her partner, while the other would never agree to that. And one day, the first girl thought of a trick: starting the sexual act as usual, and making her girl friend come, she kisses her tenderly and squeezes her neck nerve, knocking her out cold

    File Size: 1.76 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:13:51
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  11. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: A very jealous young man found out that his girl had been cheating on him with a different guy. So he decided to punish her in a very cruel way. One day when he came home from work, they made love, as if nothing had happened, but the result of it is not orgasm alone

    File Size: 2.36 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:20:12
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  12. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: A young girl decided to commit suicide, for her life was hopeless. A few hours later her boyfriend returned back home and saw her lying there, lifeless. He realized he could do nothing to safe her, so he decided to kiss her goodbye in a, uh, very unusual way

    File Size: 1.51 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:12:19
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Suicide By My Side.mp4

  13. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: A young man had long wanted to get rid of his annoying wife to get her flat. Finally he made up his mind to do it. Being a very tidy and accurate person, he covered the floor with a cloth and started waiting for his wife to return from work. When she returned and entered the room, she saw her husband holding a bouquet of flowers and welcoming her: "Darling, here is a nice little surprise for you, my sweet". But the little surprise, was nice only in his opinion

    File Size: 1.37 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:11:44
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  14. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: A young prostitute died of overdose just before the eyes of her client. But Paul decided not to leave in a hurry; instead, he wrapped her still warm body in a cloth and took it to his place which wasn't far. And there he finished what he couldn't accomplish while the whore was still alive

    File Size: 2.01 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:17:02
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Surprise In The Bag.mp4

  15. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Two gay girlfriends had a little quarrel between themselves, so that there was only one argument left for one of them, a knife. Never the less, her friend could not perceive the point of this argument, for which she was stabbed in rage. And what is it there to be done to a corpse while it is still warm? Of course

    File Size: 1.63 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:13:50
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    The Final Argument.mp4

  16. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Problems in life had caused two girlfriends to commit suicide. To do so, they choose the easiest in their opinion way, pills. Having drunk the pills, they decided to devote their last moments on earth to love. But they did not die at the same time; one of the girls happened to get more pleasure than the other

    File Size: 1.45 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:12:12
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Two Lowers Suicide.mp4

  17. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3


    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Coming back from work a young man saw his girlfriend lying in a pool of blood with a knife in her hand, her belly plunged. Shocked, unable to believe his lover had taken her life, Paul sat on the bed, next to the corpse. But when he gradually realized his girlfriend was gone forever, he understood he had nothing to loose, and decided to enjoy her body one last time. Fortunately, it was still warm

    File Size: 1.34 GB
    Resolution: 960 x 720
    Duration: 00:11:40
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  18. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3



    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring Raven Alexis

    Today's victim was found earlier, half buried in moist dirt and covered with leaves and moss, off a trail at the local jogging park. This "Jane Doe" was discovered nude, and has a single gunshot wound to her left breast. In this preliminary examination, the morgue technician reveals her body, wrapped in a sheet of plastic within the body bag to preserve evidence. He cleans off some of the larger chunks of dirt, removes and bags the leaves and moss, then carefully removes her body from the plastic and body bag onto the stainless steel examination table.

    He finishes cleaning her off, then starts the process of carefully going over her body for additional exterior evidence. Once done, he then examines her body for abrasions and bruises, flipping her on her side to check her back as well. He then examines her orifices, i.e. mouth and vaginal regions. Later, he takes a swap of her vagina, placing the swap in evidence. He then carefully swabs her fingers and continued to observe, check and make written notes about her body and it's condition. Her feet and legs are also closely examined. All her limbs are moved in some way on the process of checking for evidence or bruising. When finished, he leaves to go log in his report and "Jane Doe" will lie and wait for the medical examiner to conduct an autopsy later

    File Size: 3.35 GB
    Resolution: 640 x 480
    Duration: 00:31:18
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  19. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3



    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring Ashley Lane

    A young woman is talking to her new boyfriend about a case she is working on as an investigative reporter. When he finds out they are canvasing the area for a car that was associated with the last murder, he quickly finds an excuse to leave the room. She snoops around the room innocently until she finds something of concern in a drawer. But before she could leave, he chloroforms her. Once out, he takes his sweet time with his latest victim. He fondles her and plays with her white sock clad feet. Then he drags her out of the room. In the bedroom, he has her tied to the bed and as he molests her she weakly regains consciousness and is unable to do much but muted protest. Soon, he progressing to fucking her. She manages to hit him hard in the face and make her escape, only to be quickly captured. Not fucking around anymore, he wraps a white rope around her neck and slowly, strangles her to death. Once she is permanently silences, he takes his sweet time fucking her dead, delicious, body until satisfied.

    Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Attack, Chloroform, Unconscious, Tied Up, Sexual Assault, Garrote Strangle, Sock Feet Play, Necro BJ, Stripping, Fondling, Necro Fucking, Lifting, Dragging, Sock Feet Views, Body Views

    File Size: 4.06 GB
    Resolution: 3840 x 2160
    Duration: 00:30:20
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  20. vihasik

    vihasik Active Member Level 3



    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring: Kat, Max Coxxx

    A cheerleader is kidnaped out of her home, taken to a dungeon & tortured in tell she agrees to suck her captures cock. After she swallows his cum. He puts a bag on her head tell she dies.

    File Size: 3.33 GB
    Resolution: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 00:34:00
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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