Sweat Fetish and Dominance

Discussion in 'Femdom' started by Barbrady, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Scorpion vs Jonathan

    Scorpion debuts for SAW and it's immediately clear she is a very accomplished wrestler. As usual Jonathan does his best. But as well as skills, Scorpion has a significant advantage over him in strength too. Consequently the young man soon finds himself overwhelmed and dominated. Indeed he's punished very effectively throughout by his more powerful opponent. A crushing defeat for Jonathan. And a very impressive debut by Scorpion.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:37 ` 805 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  2. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Tyrant vs Jonathan

    This is a real mauling for young Jonathan. Tyrant's power is just too much for him and he's overwhelmed and punished throughout. He has shown in previous matches he can be difficult to pin, and does his best here to stubbornly resist taking the count. But Tyrant is determined not to be denied scoring here as well. And she makes sure she adds some extra pain to one particular pin too - just to make it clear to her opponent how much of a beating he's having to take!


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:19:09 ` 835 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  3. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Razor Red
    Razor Red vs David

    Straight up next after facing Inferno, David has to take on Razor Red. With Razor obviously in the mood to dish out a beating too. However, David does have a significant size advantage. He's clearly determined not to go down to another crushing defeat as well. And both have success punishing and pinning. But ultimately it is David who has to take more. So much so that when it's all over, he also has to take some trash talk, Razor gloating over the eventual margin of her victory as she enjoys posing over him.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:26 ` 802 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  4. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Nikkitta vs Howie

    This is a match of wrestling domination. With Howie very much in defensive mode here, he gets a tough time from the very strong Nikkitta. As well as her legs, she has undoubted great upper-body strength too. Scissors, pins - with some impressive g*****vines - are used to great effect by Nikkitta as she works on, and overpowers, the struggling young man. It's a final pin that finishes Howie off, with Nikkitta asking him if he's had enough. And after celebrating over him, he gets a parting comment of what she thinks of him.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:16:27 ` 717 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  5. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Pussy Willow
    Pins, Submissions and Bondage Match

    As well as having to take on Pussy Willow in a pins and submissions match - and dealing with the power in "those legs" - at the halfway point ropes are introduced. Which only adds to Howie's problems. In a match that can only be described as a very "bad day at the office" for the young man. Pussy Willow dominates, punishes and taunts him throughout. And when he is inevitably beaten and bound, there's some final humiliating pins for him to take as Pussy Willow enjoys her victory. Someone else looking on is also clearly enjoying it too!


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:19:45 ` 859 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  6. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Lashes vs Tim

    Lashes had a tough first match when she took on strong young Jerome. Here, however, she has a much weaker opponent. Indeed, the arm wrestling contest before the start of the match shows who's definitely the stronger of these two. And when the fight gets underway (refereed by Vanity), Lashes is soon overpowering Tim. He does his best to fight back. But even when he manages to get Lashes in a scissor hold, he's taunted by her about it's effectiveness. Before she powers out to take control again. It was certainly a difficult debut for SAW for Lashes. Here, though, she's able to really shine and clearly relishes having an opponent she can dominate and work over.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:19:58 ` 873 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  7. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Laken vs Jonathan: Pins Match

    Laken soon discovers just how much of a challenge it is to successfully subdue Jonathan in this type of match - and her frustration is also soon clear. However, she determinedly continues to try to weaken and wear him down. But Jonathan shows equal determination to continue to frustrate her. Though Laken obviously has absolutely no intention of being denied a victory here. And indeed she ultimately demonstrates that - one way or another - Jonathan is definitely going down to defeat.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:20:48 ` 905 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  8. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Spice & Jinx
    Spice and Jinx ft. London - vs Jonathan and Tim

    This was supposed to be a 2 vs 2 match with London as referee. However, it doesn't quite work out that way. Filmed with 2 cameras (operated by Jade and Chanel), ultimately what happens proves that the guys are indeed well and truly outnumbered on the mats here. To begin with all four wrestlers simultaneously fight each other, swapping opponents at various stages throughout. Jonathan proves to be a difficult challenge for both Spice and Jinx. But it is no surprise that Tim is the weakest link for the guys, both women able to dominate and punish him effectively. And so as the match progresses, the scoreline is very much in favour of Spice and Jinx. But it is soon clear, this is not just about the scoreline for the women. And after Chanel gives the signal, London pounces on Tim, and Spice goes for the ropes. With Tim hopelessly pinned, Spice and Jinx get to work on tying up Jonathan. Then it's Tim's turn. Jinx looks like she's going to make short work of dealing with him. However, it's not quite over yet - Chanel pointing out that the job is not complete on either guy as their legs are not tied. There's some admirable defiance from Tim who actually manages to struggle free of his ropes. But while Spice finishes the job on Jonathan, it's not long before Jinx has Tim subdued again, and makes sure she does the same to him too. To complete their comprehensive and humiliating defeat.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:15:48 ` 689 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  9. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Razor Red
    Razor Red vs Jonathan

    These two fought each other to a draw last time they met on the mats. So it was only right they should have this re-match. With both wrestlers determined to record a victory over their opponent this time, unsurprisingly, this is another great battle. And once again, it's not easy to tell who's ultimately going to come out on top, both dishing out and having to take punishment throughout. But in the end someone does have the decisive final say. In more ways than one. Quote: "How do you like them apples, huh? Yeah! Pretty sour!"


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:15:45 ` 683 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  10. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Scorpion vs Tim: Pins, Submissions & Bondage Match

    This is another example of a guy totally "out of his depth" against a far superior opponent. To begin with, Scorpion is distinctly unimpressed with Tim in the arm wrestling contest. And, unsurprisingly, when the wrestling match begins, the punishment soon starts for him. However, things get considerably worse for Tim after he makes a desperate attempt to cheat following a submission. A move that only serves to anger Scorpion. Consequently, from then on he gets both pain and taunting from Scorpion as she makes sure he suffers a thorough working over. But that's not all he gets here. As the signal for the ropes to be used is given at about the halfway stage, Scorpion clearly gleeful at now being able to also work on her hapless opponent with these. And so, having been thrashed at arm wrestling, given a beating and taunted on the mats, Tim is finally humiliated with the ropes. But as Scorpion tells him at the conclusion: "That's what happens to cheats!"


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:06 ` 789 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  11. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Lucrecia vs Jerome

    Still unbeaten, Jerome's determination to maintain that record is clear to see here. However, Lucrecia has a significant size advantage, with the strength and skills to cope with the young man's power. As he has shown previously, Jerome is a very stubborn guy. But he's also not very experienced. And that inexperience, coupled with his enthusiasm, means he has to be reminded by Lucrecia (on more than one occasion) to stay within the agreed rules when he has the advantage. Ultimately, though, this is a match that's not easy for either wrestler to gain and maintain the upper-hand.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:17:23 ` 757 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  12. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Inferno & Razor Red
    Inferno and Razor Red vs David

    Pins, Submissions & Bondage Match. To begin with in this match, Inferno and Razor Red take it in turns against David. He may be a fit young man, but with no chance for a break, it's a difficult enough challenge for him. However, it's a challenge that gets even more difficult when they decide it's time to double-team him. They're soon going for the ropes too. And the two women do make a very efficient team, those ropes used well to gradually render the young man helpless. His humiliation finally complete, Inferno and Razor Red continue to taunt him as they thoroughly enjoy their comprehensive victory.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:17:37 ` 766 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  13. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Blaze vs Jonathan

    The staredown between these two before this match goes on for an unusually long time. This being undoubtedly due to the history of their previous encounters on the mats. Blaze has humiliated Jonathan in the past. And his determination to gain revenge here is clear to see. Indeed Blaze is left in no doubt about that early on in this fight. However, unfortunately for Jonathan, what follows is a fine example of what a skilled and strong female wrestler can do to even the most determined of young male opponents. So, despite his best efforts, Blaze methodically grinds Jonathan down and punishes him. Until he is left in no doubt that he's suffered another crushing defeat at her hands. And she especially enjoys taunting him about that at the conclusion too.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:17:17 ` 752 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  14. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Gina vs Bert

    Two obviously well-matched wrestlers in this one. With a determined Bert undoubtedly seeing a chance for a victory in only his second match. However, Gina is equally determined to make sure her debut doesn't end in disappointment. Both are able to punish each other successfully in a match where it's not easy to tell who will ultimately come out on top. However, it is the determination of Gina that does finally prove decisive in wearing Bert down, the final submission making her victory a clear one. And so, at the conclusion we have two exhausted wrestlers. But only one of them is smiling.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:24 ` 802 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  15. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Heidi vs Tim

    To describe this as a mismatch is to state the obvious. Heidi is far too powerful for 130 lb Tim. And far too capable a wrestler for him, dishing out plenty of pain to her lightweight opponent throughout in this one-sided beating. As well as a particularly humiliating face-sit submission at one stage. Indeed, ultimately, Tim decides he's had enough and the match ends early. It's also obvious to state he won't want a re-match any time soon.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:15:28 ` 672 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  16. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Kat vs Bert

    The problem for Bert here is coping with Kat's power. He certainly makes a great effort to try and overcome it. But he soon discovers that's a very difficult task. And when he does get trapped - particularly between Kat's very strong legs, he's in real trouble. As he also is when Kat has him in a humiliating reverse face-sit pin at one stage. Bert's definitely not a weak guy. Kat is just a stronger woman - and clearly enjoys demonstrating that fact to him.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:17:33 ` 762 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  17. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Viper vs Tim

    Too strong, too quick, and far too good a fighter for Tim to handle, Viper does a great job in demolishing her second opponent here. Even on the rare occasions when Tim does seem to have an advantage, it is only briefly, the situation soon reversed by the more powerful Viper. And she continues to dominate and give him plenty of pain throughout. Making sure he's left in no doubt that she is the far superior wrestler, as she crushes him into a comprehensive defeat.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:20:26 ` 893 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  18. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Fire vs Bert

    Making an impressive debut, Fire's physique is equally impressive. As is her attitude. She really relishes dominating Bert. And demonstrating to him her strength - especially the power she has in her legs. Bert gets plenty of trash talk and taunting too, as Fire traps and controls him. A dominating personality with the body to back that up. Her victory pose is also very impressive.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:22 ` 799 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  19. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    The Glamazon vs Tim: Pins and Bondage Match

    "If you can even get one pin, I'll let you tie me up," The Glamazon tells Tim before the start of this match - the rules here being the first to achieve 5 pins can then use ropes on their opponent. And indeed the result is no surprise at all, 135 lb Tim being, of course, no match for The Glamazon. Though even after the 5 pins are achieved, Tim rather unwisely tells her it won't be so easy to tie him up. His inevitable, and painful, humiliation is also unsurprising.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:11:31 ` 660 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  20. Barbrady

    Barbrady Active Member Level 3

    Heidi vs Bert

    A difficult challenge for Bert here to deal with Heidi's power. And her determination to completely overwhelm him in this match. But he's a fit and strong man and shows determination too to not let that happen. And to battle for success himself. However, as the match progresses, it is he who certainly has to take more punishment. Which, inevitably, does mean he is gradually ground down. Consequently, Heidi does indeed eventually have him overwhelmed and dominated in the closing stages of the match. Her ultimate victory a clear and crushing one.


    MP4 ` 1920x1080 ` 00:18:51 ` 1060 Mb

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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
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